Sell / Consign

Fill out the Form

Timedriven’s expert appraisers provide prompt and detailed estimates so you can get the most out of your sale.

How it works


If you would like us to sell your watch on consignment, we can list it on our website and offer it at a price agreed upon by both parties. When the watch is sold the payment will be sent to you minus the consignment fee.

Set the stage for a successful transaction by providing us with every detail about your watch and your asking price.

If you would like, we’ll send you a consignment contract and a fully insured shipping label. Alternatively, you can book an appointment in our store in Frankfurt.

Once we receive the watch, we will inspect it thoroughly to verify its authenticity.

The watch will be photographed & listed across all of our platforms.

After we have sold your watch and the 14-day return period has ended, we will send you the payment.


Timedriven’s expert appraisers provide prompt and detailed estimates so you can get the most out of your sale.

Fill out this form to tell us about your watch and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours with a price quote.

Once we’ve reached an agreement, you can choose between receiving a shipping label for your watch or coming into our store.

To verify the authenticity of your timepiece, we first thoroughly inspect it upon its arrival.

As soon as the inspection is completed, the agreed amount will be paid.

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